教育理念 / Sesame Philosophy
1、 子供達の教育環境に大切なのは、アットホームな環境と共に楽しみながら学べる事です。子供達がその環境に慣れ親しみ快適に思う事によって自信を持ち、いろいろな事をどんどん吸収し学んで行く事が出来ます。 また同時に教師達やお友達との中で、基本的なマナーや感謝、尊敬を学んで行けるのです。
セサミ・インターナショナル・プリスクール 理事長
What is “Open Sesame”?
1. We believe that the environment for learning has to be fun and feel homey for the children. When children feel comfortable with the environment, they gain their self-esteem, develop their skills. Also through interacting with their peers or teachers, they will learn basic manners and appreciation.
2. We also believe that all children are individuals by race, culture, age, sex, ability, religion, language and personality etc. We are educating them to live together in peace and harmony, appreciating and understanding each other’s different backgrounds and culture. Therefore we will ensure to provide equality to each child and value their individuality.
3. With exciting events, activities and comfortable atmosphere, where everyone is respected and valued. We can create a happy learning environment, which can put a thousand smiles on their faces.
From School’s Owner
School History and Philosophy
2000年7月4日 開校:東京都渋谷区恵比寿3丁目
2004年8月1日 移転:東京都渋谷区広尾1丁目5番14号(現在地)
またプログラムの一貫として、地域の幼稚園、小学校、インターナショナル スクール、米国幼稚園等の交流を文化的活動を含め取り入れております。
July 4th,2000: Opening of school in Ebisu 3 Cho-me,Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
started in a 4 story building in Shirokane, close to Keio Preschool and Hiroo Hospital.
From the owner’s experience of living in America, our longtime dream was to create an internationalized environment for our future children.We searched for one year, and found the perfect place to open our school. The neighborhood reminded us environment with a nice yard
August 1st, 2004: Moved to 1-5-14 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (current location)
This area is known as the “Village of Academics,” as the famous Japanese educator, Yukichi Fukuzawa, spent his lifetime here.
It is also an area full of nature. We are located between Meiji Street and Prime Square. There is also a famous temple next to our school.
Our school is a white colord house with an orenge door that always brightly welcomes all children all children and families.
Our school name
Our school name, “Sesame International Preschool” comes for the special phrase,
“Open Sesame!”
We wish for a bright future to be “open” to all Sesame children.